The Answer for the World
Extensive researches are carried out, knew knowledge added to different fields, theories are propounded; yet, the world’s problems seem to keep extending their tentacles and sprouting new roots or developing fresh branches. Unending and fascinating is the existing and ongoing technological advancement and medical feats accomplished. As laudable as these all may seem, the world is still challenged.
Science Does Not Have Answers to all That Ails Man
Science no doubt has innumerably benefitted and positively contributed to the human race. The fact, however, remains that, science best describes and demonstrates but cannot explain all experiences. This is not in the bid to criticise or discredit science. It just implies science has its limitations and there exists situations, issues, conditions that cannot be proven or disproved by Science. Therefore, science it has been said does not have answers or solution to all that ails the human race and the world at large. So, where lies the answer to the limitation of science?
Unending World Problems
Some of the biggest problems facing our world today range from poverty, hunger, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, national and international terrorism, armed conflicts, spread of infectious diseases to global economic situation with a future possibility of another looming economic crisis that could make that of 2008 look like a child’s play. Seeming to be on the front burner is the issue of climate change. World leaders have met severally over climate change. A meeting was recently held to discuss urgent climate change action in the United Nations Climate Change Summit, 2019. The grave situation has led young people, the world over, to hold protest, organise climate change strikes and walkouts. Greta Thunberg, 16years old now climate change activist in her speech, highlighted the collapsing ecosystems, the beginnings of mass extinction, warming atmosphere, melting ice and how the CO2 budget will all be gone in less than eight and half years with today’s emission levels. The problems are unending. The end of one seems to be the birth of another.
Continental Challenges
All across the world’s continents are varying challenges – religious and ethnic tensions, natural disasters such as typhoons, flash floods, hurricanes, mudslides, political and social-economic problems, recession, security and military challenges and instability, corruption, exploitation, education and human resource shortfalls or underutilisation, dysfunctional or may I say, a failing democratic system. Africa’s un-masterful grappling under the consequences of colonisation and its challenges is particularly worrisome. Not to mention the fallouts from technological advancement. Despite the positive impact and effects of the internet, it still has its dark side in increased violence and aggression due to media contents and explicit videos, online sexual practices, increased isolation, addiction, threat to human health arising from depression, obesity and consumption of unhealthy foods, absence of needed social skills and its double impact on employment amongst others.
Is there a solution to all these?
Will mankind wake up one morning and find the world at peace, devoid of all mentioned vices? Or take a leaf from the functionalist or functionalism theoretical perspective in Sociology, since critiqued for not taking into consideration the negative impacts of social order within a society, could it be said that all the positive and negative impacts of societal challenges are what contribute to the world’s overall stability and functionality? Greta Thunberg is quoted to have said, “We can no longer save the world by playing by the rules because the rules have to be changed. We need a system change rather than individual change but you cannot have one without the other”. Where-in lies the answer? The answer probably lies in Andrae Crouch’s song:
Jesus is the answer for the world today
Above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the way
Jesus is the answer for the world today
Above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the way…
The Progenitor of Jewish Culture
Writers, Bloggers and Articles researching the secret of Jewish success described Jews as people with superior intelligence, a miraculous nation, most intelligent and wealthy nation in the world. Their findings revealed the Jews had a unique cultural code, distinguishing strategies, ideas for business and money-making. The Jews it is said, have the oldest financial system in history that has survived the test of time. He Xiongfei in his book, Spirit of Jewish Culture: What’s behind Jewish Cleverness, described the Jews as ‘the most intelligent, mysterious and wealthiest people in the world, equal to none. When Jews sneeze at home all the banks in the world would catch cold one by one.
“Though I have long since studied the Jewish culture, I always have a feeling that I am a spectator rather than a practitioner. Through my study, I know the progenitor of Jewish culture is God. If you do not believe in Him, all of the studies are in vain, so I think it is imperative to accept God if I want to study the Jewish culture, otherwise, I will remain a spectator for good.”
Xiongfei in his search and study went on to establish that their ‘Jewishness’ is also embodied in their strict adherence to the 613 doctrines. Doctrines which are God-given and driven and the Jews have succeeded especially in business and education, due to this. In the bid to replicate the same success in his country, China, He Xiongfei hopes to help more Chinese children get an opportunity not merely to learn Jewish wisdom but also to know God.
The Best Business Book
Brian Hamilton, Founder of the Brian Hamilton Foundation is quoted to have said: “the bible is the best business book I ever read”. He made this statement also taking into consideration there are successful people who do not believe in God or would share this line of thought. In his opinion, perhaps The Creator of the world does have a design for the world and people He created.
The Governor of Egypt, Joseph divinely inspired, came up with what could be described as a long term Agricultural Policy and Infrastructure that saved the country from starvation, food shortage and famine. His office and work divinely inspired, touches nearly every practical aspect of governing a nation – legislation, poverty relief plan, food security, safe and efficient storage and preservation methods, communication, negotiation, construction, economic strategizing and forecasting, human resources, payroll, record keeping and real estate.
Where-in Lies the Solution
This is not a religious article but if the solution the world is in dire need of, lies in God, then let us go for it. Perhaps if we did not see God as just a religious symbol and invited Him into all our institutions then the world would be heading towards giving its people a glorious experience in a new world order administered by The Supreme One.